Mitwaiver Software data collection, waivers digital release & automation.
(Mitwaiver software data collection, waivers digital release & automation.)
Less thoughts, more security.
Mitwaiver provide the final services through an electronic input.
No need an operator to provide service or collect data.
Data collection: Privacy, Discharge of Liability, Explicit Consent Photos etc.
Best software to apply automatic machines, and more generally for automation.
Helpfully to collect millions of data, in short time.
Easier for the user.
All documents stored in your account.
Why Choose Mitwaiver?
is the only versatile and customizable software able to: collect data, sign documents, take photos, accept payments, and provide services without the need for an operator.
Millions of Waivers Signed and Stored in short time, make your workplace easier and safe
Directly in your cloud account.
Customizable for every kind of services.